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 Play tips for embodying life

Play or Drama?

February 6, 2013


How can we partner with the divine inside us to have fun in our lives?

PLAY is a beautiful thing. fun & free FUL FILLING...  JOYOUS   

It is our birthright to show up in our lives –all parts of it– in a way that feels good and feeds us & those we get to play with.

Life  - our relationship to events and circumstances – can be experienced as either play or drama.

Life as drama feels choiceless, heavy and difficult.

But add awareness, create a space for listening, reflection and choice , and shift happens: drama becomes play.

Where in your life are you looking to recover a sense of play? Where might you be taking yourself too seriously?
How can you create shift in a way that is powerful AND fun?

Currently,  my favorite answer comes in this exuberant little package:

Kid President's Pep Talk.

Not to focus on his challenges, but in his 9 years on the planet he's had 60+ bone fractures.

So when he says,
"Not cool, Robert Frost!!" he knows what he's talking about.

Are you risking the road less travelled?

Yoga blog archive: Translating Hanuman

September - October 2011

​...not just a monkey-god doing the splits
Even the most casual drop-in student to a yoga class can tell you a little about Hanuman.

Cause-celebre to yogis on our colorful eco-mats on bamboo floors, Hanuman, the monkey-god, has become a trope, a commonplace for classes and teachers: working toward that split while cultivating devotion and service. The posture of Hanuman, or Hanumanasana, is what’s considered an “apex” pose: the cherry pose that crowns your preparations, and for most of us these days - without proper preparation will pop the ghost of your cherry.

So why should we care? Yogi or yoga-phobe, willing or not: what relevance or guidance might an Indian god with a funny name* have for our straining lives today, on or off the mat?

It may require some translation. And so this middle-aged erst-while yoga practitioner and teacher, having lost some flexibility and intent on rebuilding strength and deeper virtues of commitment (staying-power), re-kindled devotion (ah, another strange word, and to what?) and let’s face it, the soul-restoring sweetness of being lost in Love ... so with me, myself and I as a guide, I’m undertaking a journey into the territory of Hanuman to see what I might learn.

I’m after wisdom (vs. accumulating post-its of knowledge): not facts or tidbits, but the kind of groundedness that comes from letting information soak into the cellular tissues, seeping right down into organ and bone, and then integrating into posture, then movement, then actions. Wisdom. That’s what I’m after.

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